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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1993 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

jednost okoliša, porastao bi turistički učinak, jednom rječju zadovoljile bi
se sve one korisne funkcije koje pruža šuma, a plodovi i drvna tvar, kao
nova energija, bili bi nam dodatak na sve ostalo.

Vrijedno je o ovome trezveno razmisliti, a šumarska struka može obaviti
sve pripreme za uspješno obavljanje svih poslova za pošumljivanje


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Tomašević , A., 1990.: Podrivanje kao prva faza pripreme tla za pošumljivanje.
Glas. šum. pokuse 26: 393—404, Zagreb.
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Vidaković , M., 1982.: Četinjače morfologija i varijabilnost, Zagreb.

Pine Tree (Pinus pinea L.) as a Species for Afforistation of the Karst


In this paper the author presents data on the growth of the Pine tree in the
area of the Zadar Forest District, Musapstan forest area and the island of Rab,
Sveta Mara forest region, forest compartment lb, at NPŠO Rab, which is managed
by the Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb. For the Musapstan area dendrometric data are
given for Pine tree cultures of 40 years of age, as well as for the same culture
of 55 years of age. Data are presented for a 12-year old small culture of Pine trees
on the island of Rab, where 218 plants have been under the author´s observation
from the moment of afforestation up to 12 years of age. The author presents the
survival rate for each year, number of plants which survived and the curve demonstrating
the mean growth in height for each year (Graph. 3, 4 and 5).

Key words : Pine tree, afforestation, survival, growth in height, hole plan-
ling, polythene pipes, Karst, terra rossa, climate.