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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1993 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

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In the analysis of quantitative similarity of the bird communities on different
heights I applied Odum´s similarity index (0). The results revealed that
the most similar tre the bird communities of the corresponding heights on
adjoining mountains. The biggest differences appear between 450 m and 900 m
above-sea. Comparing the values of Odum´s similarity index on all three mountains
we can observe thet the most similar are the communities of the same
heights above sea-level. It is the similar ecological conditions on the same heights
above sea-level on the mountains taken into consideration. The diversity of
species (according to Shannon-Wiener´s statistical information formula) is declining
with the increase in height. The same happens with the maximum diversity
(H´max) and equitability (E). The index of dominating species in a community
(according to McNaught and Wolf 1970) rises with the increase in height.
The increase in value of the index of domination (CD) along the height gradient
is a bit more explicit on the mountain of Ivanščica in comparison with the
mountain of Medvednica where it is more stable. The relative abundancy (according
to May 1975) shows that the dominating species up to 600 m above-sea on
the mounatins of Medvednica and Ivanščica is Sylvia atricapilla, and above that
height the dominating species is Fringilla coelebs. The most abundant species
on the mountain of Česargradska gora on 450 m above-sea is Sylvia atricapilla.