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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1993 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF


Bcčejac, B., Brna, J., Mikuška, J.: Istraživanja rasta rogovlja običnog jelena
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The results of investigation from the research area Baranja, Croatia are presented:

a) growth of body size and antler growth of trophy value of farmed red
deer stags, b) antler growth of trophy value of red deer stags in fenced hunting-
ground of about 400 ha.

In the results of investigation some significant differencies are pointed out,
which appear in more intensive growth of antler trophy value in farmed stags,
in relation to red deer stags from unfenced hunting-ground.

Considering stags grown in unfenced hunting-ground conditions, then enclosed,
there is mostly noted annual decrease at old stags, and increase of antler
trophy value at semi-age young red deer stags.