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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1992 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

predstavljaju novu opasnost za ekosisteme budući kao nosač najčešće služi


Go j ković, G. (1967): Zaštita topola, 173—194. Beograd.
Mitić , N. (1988): Pesticidi u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu u Jugoslaviji. Beograd.
Vajda , Z. (1974): Nauka o zaštiti šuma, 120—131. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
Z e k i ć, N. (1983): Korovi u šumarstvu i njihovo suzbijanje, Sarajevo.
Ž i v o i n o v i ć, S. (1958): Zaštita šuma, 149—170, Beograd.

The Use of Pesticides in Croatia Through the Year 1990.


In contaminated ecosistem in Republic of Croatia it is still a great number
of pesticides in everyday use. Frequently the using of pesticides is unproperly
and unprofessionally causing damagefull economic and ecological consequences.
In this article we aree giving a review of chemicals used in 1990. year, classified
by poisonousness (Fig. 1). A lot of chemical supstances is in use for protecting
the forest seedings, the smaller part of them in forest ingredients. A bigger part
of toxic agents (74Vo) is from Illrd and IVth group, a smaller part (26´°/«) from
1st and Und group of poisons.