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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1992 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF

Druga je značajka da su stabla iz normalnih (većih) sadnica po deblu
imala mnogo manje izbojaka (živica) nego li stabla B-l i B-2 te su nakon dva,
tri rezanja uopće izostala. Izbojci na stablima B-l i B-2 nakon rezanja ponovo
se javljali te iako ih je brojčano bilo manje masa im je bila veća (Tabl. 2.).

Nakon sječe stabala B-l i B-2 iz panja pojavili se brojni izdanci, od
kojih je znatan broj bio duži od 100 cm.

A Contribution to the Biology of the Spreading Elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.)


The article presents an example which shows how the size of the annual
plants of the Spreading elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.) is not relevant for its further
growth. The luxuriant growth of the shoots on some of the trees and the number
and mass of rootsuckers after cutting down to the stump. Finally the very poor
yield during the last few years of this tree on the Marulićev square was shown,
despite the complete flowering.