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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1992 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

Weise, U. 1987: Results of transplant spacing experiment with various kinds
of Norway spruce planting stock in Baden Wiirtemberg, For. Abst, Vol. 49,
No. 8. 198d.
´´ Mali šumarski priručnik, Zagreb, 1949.
Survival and Growth of Plants of Scotch Pine (P. sylvestris L) of Various Ages


In order to investigate the effect of age and the methods of cultivation of
transplants of Scotch pine on the survival, growth and increment in plantations
an experiment was laid down in the area of the Duga Resa Forest Office during
1971. Four variants were followed comparatively: 2+0, 1 + 2, 2 + 1 and 2 + 2 year-
old plants. In the twentieth year after the laying down of the experiment transplants
of 1 + 2 years had the highest percentage of survival and mean growth.
Transplants of 2+2 years had a low percentage of survival and the fastest growth.
Transplants of 2 + 1 years had the slowest growth.