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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1992 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF


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Komlenović, N., J. Graca n, N. Pezdirc & P. Rastovsfci, 1988.:
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Smith , V. H., 1981.: Air pollution and Forests. Springer-Verlag, New York,
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Increment of Common Beech in Pannonian Croatia

As influenced by emissions or man?


Dendrochronological research may be of help in determining the changes
and time when they began. Diameter increment or the annual ring width is one
part of the research, though not the only used for observing and describing the
impact of one or more factors.

Our research is associated with the belt of the climatozonal beech forests
of the Pannonian Croatia (Fagetum croaticum pannonicum Horv. 1938), i.e. the
trees of the common European beech. The research was carried out in the
management units of »Sekulinečka planina« and »Slatinske prigorske šume« of
the Podravska Slatina forest management.

The following are the results of the research:

a) diameter increment, i.e. annual ring breadth of the common beech has
been contanlty decreasing;
b) the decreasing trend of the annual ring width with the common beech
was significant in the period 1976—1986;
c) the annual ring of the common beech is remarkably narrower in the beech
stands whose structure has been disturbed.

Key words : dendrochronology, annual ring, common beech, air pollution.