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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1992 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF


D i s t e r, E., 1980: Geobotanische Untersuchungeri in der hessischen Rheinaue
als Grundlage fuer die Naturschutzarbeit. Diss. Math.-Nat. Fak. Goettingen.

Dister , E., 1983: Zur Hochwassertoleranz von Auenvaldbaeumen an lehmigen
Standorten. Verh. Ges. Oekol. 10: 325—336.

Dister , E., 1985: Taschenpolder als Hochwasserschutzmassnahme am Ober
rhein. Geographische Rundschau, 5: 241—247.

Huegin , G., 1981: Die Auenwaelder des suedlichcn Oberrheintals-Ihre Veraenderung
und Gefaehrdung durch den Rheinausbau Landschaft + Stadt, 13 2:
78—91. 78—91.

H u b c r, E., 1987: Zur Geschichte Auewaldungen im Oberrheinischen Tiefland.
Ministerium fuer Ernaehrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Baden-Wuerttemberg,
Band 65: 267—335.

Kramer , W., 1987: Erlaeuterungen zu den Standortskarten der Rheinauwaldungen
zwischen Mannheim und Karlsruhe. Ministerium fuer Ernaehrung, Landvvirschaft
und Forsten, Badcn-Wuerttemberg, Band 65: 7—264.

Ober dor fer, E. i dr. 1967: Systematische Uebersicht der vvestdeutschen Phanerogamen
— und Gefaesskrvptogamen — Gesellschaften, Eine Diskusionsentwurf.
Schriftenr. V´egetationskunde, 2: 7—62.

Philippi , G., 1978: Die Vegetation des Altrheingebietes bei Russheim. U: Der
Russheimer Altrhein, eine nordbadische Auenlandschaft. Natur — und Landschaftsschutzgebiete
Baden-Wuerttebergs 10: 103—267.

Schaefer , W., 1973: Altrhein — Verbund am noerdlichen Oberrhein. Cour.
Forsch. — lnst. Senckenberg 7: 1—63,

WWF Auen-Institut — Rastati: Projekti i dokumentacija.

Forest Vegetation of the First Bottom and Contact Zones of the Upper Rhine in
Germany Problems of Its Protection

S u m m a r y

The paper describes tlie forest vegetation of the first bottom region of the
upper Rhine in Germany, approximately from Rastatt to Mainz. The former
flood forests grow only in the vorlands near the old streams of the river Rhine,
over a surface of round 4000 ha. Described are the associations Salicetum albae
Issl. 26, Querco-Ulmetum Issl. 24 and Corylo Quercetum roboris Dister 1980 prov.
A special attention is paid to the description of the synecological factors, first
of all to the duration and height of the floods because of their deciding impact
upon the growth and distribution of the forest vegetation.

The paper also presents the current status of the forest vegetation outside
the embankments. It has greatly lost its authentic structure. In many places the
domineering species are the artificially grown stands of the sycamore, red oak,
Douglas fir and common pine — the species that do not belong to these habitats
and did not grow in these forests one hundred years ago. Likewise in the
vorlands, where the hybrid poplars have been grown on the same habitat
through several generations, so that there are practically no parts where they
have not been introduced.

There are also short descriptions of the river Rhine corrections, the building
of water ladders and gravel pits. The emphasis is on the fact that this part of
the region has lost its natural characteristics and has been greatly devaluated.
Many animal and plant species and associations — extremely rich in flood areas
as they are — have virtually disappeared.