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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1991 str. 84     <-- 84 -->        PDF

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In Forest Inventory in High-Tech


At the begining the place of forest inventory in the forest science and praxis
(Fig. 1) and the tehnical, mathematical and biometrical aspects of forest inventory
are stated. The data which are colected in complex forest inventories are
given in Table 1. Further on the new trends in forest inventory technology and
methods in the world are elaborated, especially the digital cartography, the use
of aerial and satelite imagery in thematic cartography and in forest volume and
forest décline assessment, the establishment of GIS for forestry with the intégration
of aerial and satelite imagery in it. At the end the actual forest
inventory praxis in Croatia is described and the proposais for the improvement
of the forest inventory methodology are given.

Ke y words : forest inventory, digital cartography, GIS, remote sensing.