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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1991 str. 71     <-- 71 -->        PDF

Raesfeld, F. V., A. H. Neuhaus & K. S c a i c h, (1985): Das Rehwild.
Hamburg & Berlin.
W o t schi ko w s k y, U. & W. Schröder, (1990): Rehorojekt Hahnebaum,
.. . (1967): Lovački priručnik. Lovački savez Hrvatske, Zagreb.

Investigation of Roe Game in the Hahnebaum Hunting Grounds — South Tyrol

S u m m a r y

The author describes an investigation project on roe game in a high mountain
région. The aim of the investigation is to find some answers to questions which
arise in the process of the management of roe game. The investigation included
détermination of the approximate number of game by the method of capturing
and marking game, i.e. fixing collars for telemetric monitoring. It was assessed
that the hunting grounds contain approximately a hundred heads of roe game,

i.e. 30 heads per 100 hectares. The extent of the area covered by the marked animais
was determined by telemetric monitoring, and radiuses of the animals´movement,
i.e. their daily seasonal migrations, were obtained. Considérable planned
game shooting in 1986 reduced the numbers of animais to approximately one
third of the previous number, and therefore population dynamics were monitored
and the reaction of game to the changeable density of population.

The investigation also deals with the need for reinforced nutrition during the
winter in the form of a so-called eco-diet. Namely it investigated how the roe
population exists without reinforced nutrition during the winter period in the
high mountain régions. Up-to-date investigations indicated that even without
reinforced nutrition roe game maintain good condition.

Key words : roe game, density of population, marking telemetry, population