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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1991 str. 64     <-- 64 -->        PDF

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Air Pollution and Acorn Crop in Our Forests of Pedunculate Oak


The author discusses possible direct and indirect effects of air pollution upon
the crop of acorns in the forests of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Croatia

Considering the influence of pollutants on the forest biocoenosis he criticizes
the opinion that the air pollution is first and most important link in the chain of
factors causing the dieback of forests and that all outbreaks of insect pests and
diseases appear only secondarily, on physiologically weakened trees.

It is also quite unlikely that the acorn weevil (Balaninus glandium Mrsh.) and
the other acorn destroyers attack more the trees affected by air pollutants.