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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1991 str. 24 <-- 24 --> PDF |
Assessment of the Survival of IUFRO-douglas Fir of Various Provenances in Several Model Stands in Bosnia Summary The results are presented of an investigation on the growth and quality of 22-year-old IUFRO-Douglas fir of various provenances. This study was conducted on four model stands with 3, 4, 6 and 8 provenances. Survival, which ranged from 47V» to 82%, depended primarily upon the conditions of the habitat and practically not at all upon the provenances. On some of the model stands, the production of certain provenances was insignificantly affected by the provenances of the Douglas fir, but to a significant extent by the conditions of the habitat, particularly the soil conditions. Maximum production was established with physiologically deep (over 80 cm), fresh and aereated brown acid soils. The poorest growth was with pseudoglay, especially shallow oglay horizons in which the wet phase was exchanged for dry in the soil. It was also shown that in shallow depressions all the provenances were killed off by early and late frosts which influenced the percentage of survival and the quality of the timber. |