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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1990 str. 67 <-- 67 --> PDF |
Yugoslavia is well known in the world as a manufacturer of solid wood furniture and chairs, and in Europe as the greatest exporter of broadleaved sawn- wood. We are also known for high prices which is mainly the result of low utilization of logs and timber, obsolete manufacturing technology an inadequate organization of production. Investigation has confirmed that with the application of modern technology, i.e. computer, quantitative utilization of timber can be increased by 128/o in favour of specific-purpose component parts. Rationalization of manufacture and usage is particularly important in the case of pedunculate oak-wood which is listed as first-class timber for the manufacture of the final product. The basic pre-condition for the perspective use of valuable broadleaved species is the high-quality level of production programmes which will, with their rate of capital formation, be able to cover the costs of material and conversion. |