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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1990 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF

Journal »Šumarski list« within Scope of Editioral — Disign Characteristics and

the Structure of Referencer


As part of the research for a master´s thesis, investigations were carried
out of journals dealing with the field of forestry and the wood industry in the
period from 1976 to 1980 using bibiiometric methods. There are certain criteria
on the basis of which journals are selected, and we have tried to determine
the quality of forestry journals by analytical methods. In our article we discussed
the journal Šumarski list, the oldest journal dealing with forestry in
Yugoslavia. We analyzed the editorial characteristics by means of 13 parameters,
divided into technical and scientific parameters, and using the mathematical-
statistical method. An analysis was made of the references and their structure
in the year 1980, including the percentage of pages with no references, the percentage
of references journals, their number per page and age distribution.

On the basis of the analytic method, in accordance with both techniques,
the journal Šumarski list was classified into the group of journals of superior
scientific value, which confirms the fact that this journal should be financed
and should be given preference because of its superior scientific characteristics.