prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1990 str. 86     <-- 86 -->        PDF

Gore navedene prednosti nove metode njege pomlatka i mladika hrasta
lužnjaka, a koje se naročito očituju u smanjenju radnih dana po jedinici
površine, humanizaciji rada te otvaranju niza pogodnosti u pravilnom rasporedu
stabala i gustoj mreži prosjeka, utjecale su da se njega u mladim sastojinama
hrasta lužnjaka na području šumarije Đurđenovac izvodi isključivo
na ovaj način. Do danas je tako uređeno preko 600 ha površina na
kojima se obavlja njega sa staza. Za verifikaciju i kvantifikaciju prednosti
ove metode potrebno je provesti odgovarajuća naučna istraživanja.

Contribution to the Introduction of New Methods in Tending Young Plants and
Saplings of Pedunculate Oak


Natural reforestation of Pedunculate oak is a very complex and expensive
task, often resulting in failure. Therefore, the tending of young plants and saplings
plays an exceptionally important role in the successful outcome of reforestation.
This paper presents the practical side of the new method for tending young plants
and saplings, which is performed in a combination of manual and mechanized
work. Advantages are significant and contribute to a reduction of work days per
unit of area, humanization of work and creation of a number of favourable conditions
in the lay out of trees and dense network of lanes. The method has been
fully adopted in young stands of Pedunculate oak at the Forest Office of Đurđenovac.