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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1990 str. 81     <-- 81 -->        PDF


Balcn , J. (1935): Prilog poznavanju naših mediteranskih šuma, Šumarski
list, Zagreb.
Jedi o wski , D. (1957): Uzgoj biljaka pinja (Pinus pinea L.) prikraćivanjern
korjenčića, Anali za eksperimentalno šumarstvo, Vol. II. — str. 275—287, Zagreb.
3. Pa var i, A. (1954): Pino domestico, Monti e bosehi N° 11/12, Firenze.
Orlić, S.; Ha rap in, Mayer, B (1973): Sušenje američkog borovca (Pinus
strobus L.) u kulturama, Šumarski list, 9—10, Zagreb.
5. Vidaković , M. (1982): Četinjače, morfologija i varijabilnost, Zagreb.
Drying of P i n u s p i n e a L. in the Tree Lined Streets in Split Area


The authors investigate the reasons of drying of Pinus pinea L. in the tree

— lined streets in Split area. The trees were planted in Maksima Gorkog Street,
Splitskog odreda Street, Maslešina Street and Oslobođenja Street in the period
between 1971 and 1975. The investigations were carried out in 1985. The soil was
analysed, the dendrometry measures of the trees were carried out, the growth
of the root system was observed. The investigations and the results show that
the causes of drying are the disproportion between the upper and the underground
part of the trees, which was caused by unfavourable soli for the growth
of roots, too great reduction of the crown and wrong planting (deep planting).