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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1989 str. 79     <-- 79 -->        PDF

Dimiitrov, i Jurčec, V. 1988a: Šumski požari i vremenske prilike na
Jadranu u 1986. i usporedba sa situaciijom u 1985. godini. Šumarski list, XCII,
25 — 35.
Dimitrov, T. i Jurčec, V. 1988b: Šumski požari i vremenske prilike na
Jadranu u 1987. godini. Šumarski list, CXII, 435—446.
Jurčec, V. i Dimitrov I. 1986: Meteorološki indeks opasnosti od
šumskih požara. PPPR simpozij, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Zagreb 419—424.
*** Analiza stanja i problematika zaštite od požara na otvorenom prostoru SR
Hrvatske, Zagreb, veljača 1989.
Pavlović , S: Prethodna analiza rada Zrakoplovnog protupožarnog centra
Vrsar, Vrsar, rujan 1988. godine.
Weather Conditions and Forest Fire on the Adriatic 1988.


The summer season of 1988 in the Adriatic area was very favorable for the
development of forest fire since the entire month of July and most of August
were dry, hot and windy. The longest dry period over the islands and the southern
Adriatic exceeded 50 days. The synoptic situation did not indicate this time as
a vast dry area over Europe, as in most of the earlier dry summer seasons, but
it was characterized by frequent passages of fronts from the Atlantic region. Besides
a deep cyclone over the Atlantic the cyclonic area is the frequently occupied
western Mediterranean and this caused southwesterly air currents with warm
advection over the Adriatic. With the temperature increase and long dry periods
passages of these »dry« fronts were accompanied by increasing wind speed and
this was very favorable for fast spreading of forest fires which were most frequent
during the month of August.


Oskar Piškorić,

dipl. in/.., prof.
