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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1989 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

Bojanin, S., Sever, S., Tomičić, B.: Komparativna istraživanja obaranja
stabala, izrade i transporta jedno- i višemetarskog prostornog drva bukve
i hrasta (elaborat), Pakrac — Zagreb, 1978.
Glaser , H.: Die Ernte des Holzes. Wirtschafts- und Forstverlag Euting K.G.
2. Anfl., Neuvvied, 1955.
He din, I.B.: Requirements and design parameters for longpole — pine strip
— thinning equipment in British Columbia, FERIC Special Report No. SR-51,
P e s t a 1, E.: Mindestmechanisierung der Holzernte durch Verwendung von
Knickschleppern. Forstarchiv, 2, 1970.
Peterson , J.T.: Harvesting Economics: Handfalling Coastal Old — Growth
Timber. Harvesting a. Processing, FERIC. T.N.-lll November, 1987.
S t a a f, K.A.G., W i k s t e n, N.A.: Tree harvesting techniques. 1984. Martinus
Nijhoff Dr W. Publishers. Dordrecht Boston Lancaster.
Schneider , E.: Die Allgemeine Zeiten im neuen Holzerntetarif. Forsttechn.
Informationen, 1. 1972.
Comparative Investigations of Felling and Conversion in middle-Aged Stands of
Pedunculate Oak and European Black Alder

S um m a r y

The authors deal with the work of felling and conversion in mixed middle-
aged of Pedunculate oak and European black alder.

Emphasis was placed on the investigation of the method of exploitation (bolewood,
semi-bolewood, assortments) with regard to age intensity of secondary
accessibility as dragging is carried out by tractors with a warping drum which
move along drag roads.

The motor chain-saw will continue to be used in the future for felling and
conversion in middle-aged and this has to be taken into account when choosing
the method of exploitation.

Assortment method was applied in the carried out invesitiaations. Assortments
of timber roundwood and multi-metre industrial wood in loading lengths
were produced.

In the case of European black alder utilized volume of wood per tree, with
the exception of the thinnest diametre in subclass tree, is greater than is Pedunculate
oak, which reflected on the time spent in felling and conversion of
m´! of wood volume.

With the growth in tree diametres in both sorts of wood the length of timber
roundwood per tree increases while timber wood decreases. Mean diametres
of these assortments by lengths per tree are in relation with the DBH of trees.

Percentage of added time in the calculations of time norms is the same in
all casesand amounts to 60%.

Time norms per m3 for felling and production of timber roundwood are
greater than for timber wood in loading lengths both in oak and alder. In the
case of alder this difference amounts to 19% and 8.5% in oak.

Time norms for felling and conversion per tree are greater in all cases for
oak andalder, with an average difference of 24.3%´.

Time norms for felling and conversion per m3 of volume of wood for timber
wood and industrial wood are also greater for oak and alder, with the exception
of the thinnest of treated trees. This difference on average amounts to
17.8% for the former and 29.1« for the latter.