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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1989 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

Spaić , I., 1974: Sadašnje zdravstveno stanje šuma na području jugoistočne
Slavonije. Zbornik o stotoj obljetnici šumarstva jugoistočne Slavonije, knjiga
1:239—252. JAZU, Centar za znanstveni rad Vinkovci.
Vidaković , M., 1971: Čuvanje našeg šumskog genofonda na kršu. U: Simpozij
o zaštiti prirode u našem kršu, 163—174. JAZU, Odjel za prirodne znanosti,
Vidaković, M. & L. Žuta, 1966: Preservation of the gene pool in natural
stands for genetical research. IUFRO, Sec. 22, Special Meeting and Excursion
in Yugoslavia, September 13—17, 1965. Šumarski list 90 (1—2):55—71, Zagreb.
Vidaković, M. & S. J e 1 a s k a, 1983: Preservation of the gene poole of
forest tree species. Genetika 15 (3):369—375, Beograd.
Vegetative Propagation of English Oak Using Grafting Device


The importance of different vegetative propagation methods is rising more
and more. Several methods are being used in improvement, genetics and ornamental
horticulture. Special importance have those that can be used in practice.

The paper describes a method of English oak (Quercus robur L.) device grafting,
that can be used in practice for establishing clonal seed orchards (by grafting
scions from old trees whose phenotype is known i.e. plus trees) and for
propagation of ornamental trees (Oaks with variegated leaves, pyramidal crowns
and other cultivars).

The scions were cut from donors aging about 200, 90, 60, 5 and 2 years. They
were cut from the last year´s and 2—3 year old twigs, carying at least two buds.
The root-stocks were two year old seedlings, and H-cuts were applied about 5 cm
above the root necks.

Callusing was conducted by stratifying them in mixture of saw-dust and
moos (3:1), in a room with stabilized temperature of 27 °C and 70—80% humidity.
14—20 days later, 89% of grafts were callused, and 68% were flushed. Finally,
after 54 days there was a total of 61% stabilized, flushed, firm joint grafts.

The age of donors and the part of twig used as scion had no influence as
to the outcome of successful number of grafts.

Key words: Quercus robur L., vegetative propagation, grafting


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i prostora za kalusiranje cijepova.