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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1989 str. 24 <-- 24 --> PDF |
STUDY OF THE INCREMENT OF IUFRO DOUGLAS FIR IN VARIOUS PROVENANCES AT »CRNA LOKVA« EXPERIMENTAL PLOT (BOSANSKA GRADIŠKA) Summary The height increment, diameter and quality of 8 Douglas Fir provenances was studied at an experimental plot of IUFRO-Douglas Fir in various provenances On the basis of the results of the investigation it can be concluded that significant differences exist between provenances, but that, due to the uneven growth, they become smaller with plant aging. In the same way significance between the provenances changes. In spite of this it has been observed that in view of the increment in height the most productive provenance is 1069, with regard ito diameter provenance 1091 and regarding quality provenance 1060. It we take into consideration both average height and quality, the 1036 provenance is the most valauble, which originates from British Columbia (Canada). |