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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1989 str. 34     <-- 34 -->        PDF

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The Effect of SO, and Some Other Pollutants on
Forest Trees with Special Re/erence to Croatia


The first part of the paper presents the theoretical basis of the SO, damaging
effect on the forest trees. Research results show that some areas of forest
ecosystems in Croatia are considerably loaded with sulphur. Thus, in eastern
Istria and the Rijeka region, raised SO-, concentrations in the atmosphere remain
in the sulphur content of the assimilating organs of the investigated tree
species. Considerable damage of forest vegetation was determined in this area,
greater than in areas where the sulphur load is lower.

Many investigations carried out in Croatia have determined the presence
of imissional acidification and accumulation of heavy metals in forest soils.
Lead content and other heavy metals increase with the altitude. The first evidence
of the unfavourable influence of pollution and disorders in the nutrition
of Norway Spruce, Silver Fir and Pedunculate Oak have been obtained.