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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1989 str. 136 <-- 136 --> PDF |
Zorn , M., 1987: Pregled virov s tematiko »Umiranje gozdov«. Gozdarski vestnik, 7—8, Ljubljana Z u p a n č i č, M., 1986: Umiranje sozda. Gozdarski vestnik, 2, Ljubljana, 84— —85 Zycha , H., 1951: Das Rindensterben der Buche. Phytopathol. Ztschr. 17, 444— —461 Žunič , S., 1986: Drevesa umdrajo. Dolenjski gozdar, 23, 6, Novo Mesto, 57—58 Whether Forests Die? S u m ni a r y The author eritieizes the usage of the expression umiranj e š u m a, recently introduced into the Yugoslav forestry terminology, as an inadequate translation of the German word Waldsterben . In Croatian, as in many other languagues, the verb umirat i (die) is used only for human beings. The adequate word for animals is ugibati and for plant ugibati or/and odumirati. The most common and correct terms for Waldsterben are sušenje šuma, ugibanje šuma, odumiranje šuma and p r opadanje šuma. In our recent forestry literature the term umiranj e šum a is sometimes used as a synonym for dying out of forests and sometimes means general decline of forests due to air pollution and acid rains. This may lead to confusion and misunderstanding in communication. Therefore the term umiranj e šum a is incorrect, both from linguistical and professional point of view. |