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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1989 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

čenjem i prijevozom drva. U toku istog dana radnici bi mijenjali radna
mjesta što bi zbog različitog karaktera naprezanja ublažilo opasnost od


XVIII IUFRO World Congress, (1986): Proceedings of Division 3, Ljubljana.
FAO/ILO/IUFRO (1983): Ergonomics aplied to Forestry. Proceedings of the
International Seminar, Wienna and Ossiach (Austria).
Hadživuković , S. (1973): Statistički metodi, Univerzitet Novi Sad.
Lipoglavšek , M. (1979): Ergonomija, Biotehniška fakulteta Ljubljana.
Ronav , E. (1982): Technologia vyroby a zhodnatenie bukoveho dreva, VŠLD
Tomanić , S. (1971): Normiranje rada pri sječi i izradi drva. Šumarski
fakultet Zagreb.
Tomanić , S. (1982): Studij vremena pri sječi i izradi drva u prebornim
šumama. Šumarski fakultet Zagreb.
Tomanić, S., M a j n a r i ć, M. (1983): The Straining of Workers at Cutting
and Primary Conversion of Wood. FAO/ECE/ILO. Seminar on Ergonomics
applied to Forestry. Wienna.
Tomanić, S., H i t r e c, V., V o n d r a, V. (1978): Sistem za određivanje radnog
vremena sječe i izrade drva, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb.
Šumarski fakultet Zagreb — Kompletna dokumentacija o istraživanju činilaca
sječe i izrade drva (izvorni terenski podaci, datoteke podataka, rezultati)
iz razdoblja 1971—1987.
Delay Time Dependence on Work Methods at Cutting and Primary
Wood Conversion

S u m m a r y

The research on the basic factors at cutting and primary wood conversion
in Croatia was carried out between 1971 and 1987. A time study was made on
5635 workers/days. The field survey encompassed most of the efficient and field
conditions. By means of modern analysis methods, many useful results have
been achieved.

Discriminated systems of regression model were elaborated lor calculation
of the average effective time.

Delay time was analysed in accordance with the effective time on the level
of a working day. By testing the delay time/effective time proportion, no significant
difference between the individual work and two-worker-crew work was
stated. The differences among the delay times have not been stated as related
to the months o the year either.

The delay times range between 40—43"0 out of the total time depending on
the work method.

The workers are exposed to the harmful influence of the chain-saw above
the toleration limits, exept for manual barking of conifers. The lower level of
wood assortment converted in the forest, the more impropriate are the ergonomic
conditions of the workers.