prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1989 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF


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Silvicultural Operations in Natural Stands and Possibilites of their
Norm Elaboration


The paper presents different development stages of stand as defined acording
to different authors and schools. The emphasis has been given to the advantages
of the classification of stand development stages made by the representatives
of the Zagreb school of silviculture. A possibility of norm elaboration of
all silvicultural operations has been pointed out with a comment that it should
primarily serve a global planning, and much less as a criterium of successfulness
of individual work. All phases of silvicultural work, preparation of the habitat,
regeneration and forest tending, have been described as accompanying procedures
throughout the rotation. Regular and selection stands have been given together
with description of all phases of activity for which norm elaboration can be made.

Ke y words : silviculture, tending, regeneration, preparation of stand, germ,
young growth, young forest, young stand, middle-aged stand, old stand, regular,
forest, selection forest, norm elaboration, seed, plant, seedling.