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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1989 str. 40     <-- 40 -->        PDF

kologa Jugoslavije, Sarajevo: Bilten društva ekologa Bosne i Hercegovine,
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B e č čj a c, B., B r n a, J., M i k u š ka, J., V a 1 t e r, J. (1984): Veličina rogovlja
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Bačke s obzirom na starosnu dob, Rad Jugoslovenske akademije znanosti i
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divljači na baranjsko-bačkom području. Privreda, br. 9, 58—65.

The Age and Trophy Disturbances of Middle-Aged and Aged Red Stogs (C.elaphus L.)
at LSG »Jelen« Hunting Area under the Pressure of High Hunt-Touristic
Demands and Realizations


The work has presented and analized the dates refering volume of shooting
muddle-aged (5—8 years old), and aged (9 years old and more) red stags, according
to trophy structure, during the period from 1963. to 1987. at LSG »JELEN«
hunting area in Yugoslavia. By analizing presented dates, classified into five years
periods, it has been particularly shown how the large hunt-touristic demands
influenced the thin out of aged and middle-aged deer classes as well as the way
of recovery the age structure during the ten years period, through which the efficient
material conditions were created, to control such large demands.

It was particularly emphasized the period through which the category of
hunt-touristit demands decisively caused the age and trophy structure disturbances
of middle-aged and aged deers. The relations toward use of mentioned
deers are aggravated as much that on one shot aged deer come three middle-
aged, shot as well. As a consequence of above mentioned disturbance, many
mfisttakes were made, so that the large number of promising trophy deers were
shot prematurely.

The work also other characteristics of hunt-touristic requests whom it may
influence with, some specific non-willing age and trophy structure disturbaces
even when the pressure of such demands it not sol arge (foreign currency, important
for hunting areas, specifical structure of requests, which i not in accordance
with capacity of hunting ground, relatively short stay of foreign hunters,
responsibility if the hunt was not successful etc.).

lit has been recommended the way of preventing the age and itrophy structure
disturbances of middle-aged and aged deers through the conditions of high
hunt-touristic demands and realization.