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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1988 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

der conditions of an average measured depth of snow from 2.5 dm and an average
slope of 18%, as was the case in our research, it is possible to complete
the wood cutting and primary conversion without taking the influence of the
snow into consideration, in other words without increasing the time standards
or reducing the work output standards.

With regards to the stated results and issues, one can frelly say that more
complex research into the influence of snow on the working processes in forestry
is yet to come. The influence of critical amounts of factors under snow
conditions (the quality and depth of the snow, the slope and intricacy of the
site) on elements of the work process must be investigated. Procedures must be
established (mathematical models) for taking the ini´uence of the stated factors
through coreection of work place times. Through work organization of greater
quality and a fuller use of special means of personal protection while wood
cutting and primary conversion, along with the stated research, it would be
possible to arrive at a solution for uninterrupted forest logging during the winter

Key words: Wood cutting. Time study. Organization.