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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1988 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

Jurčec , V., 1987: Suše na Jadranu. III jug. savjetovanje o elementarnim atmosferskim
nepogodama — opasne pojave na moru, 16—18. prosinac, 1987, Split.
Pom. Met. Centar, Rep. hidrometeorološki zavod SRH, 64—73.

Jurčec , V. i T. Dimitrov , 1986: Meteorološki indeks opasnosti od šumskih
požara. 8. međunarodni simpozij CAD/CAM, »Projektiranje i proizvodnja pomoću
računala«, listopad, 1986, Zagreb, Elektrotehnički fakultet, 419—424.

* * * : Informacija o stanju i problematici zaštite od požara i eksplozija u SRH
u 1987. god. RSUP, veljača 1388. g.

Forest Fires and the Weather in the Adriatic Region


In 1987, the Adriatic region suffered the least number of forest fires in the
last five years, even though the burnt area per individual fire was somewhat larger
than minimum in 1986. The weather conditions were similar to those in 1986,
with a rainy spell in May and June and a dry spell in August and September,
lasting in the Southern Adriatic more than 50 days in some locations. However,
the temperature in the dry season were lower on the average, with fewer hot
days in relation to the drought in 1985 that resulted in disasterous forest fires
The synoptic situation featured westerly air currents throughout the greater part
of the summer season preventing droughts and forest fires.

Oskar Piškordć
dipl. inž., prof.