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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1988 str. 36 <-- 36 --> PDF |
LITERATURA 1. Host , N., Th., 1831: Flora austriaca, II, 667, Viennae. 2. Jovanović , B., 1967: Dendrologija sa osnovama fitocenologije. Naučna knjiga, 228, Beograd. 3. Jovanović , B., 1982: Dendrologija. III dop. izd., Univ. u Beogradu, 454, Beograd. 4. Krpan , R., 1946: Goli krš. Šumarski priručnik I, 740, Zagreb. 5. Krussmann , G., 1960 a: Die Nadelgeholze, 2 Auflage. Berlin — Hamburg. 6. Krussmann , G., 1960 b: Handbuch der Laubgeholze, Band I, Berlin — Hamburg. 7. Krussmann , O., 1960—1962: Handbuch der Laubgeholze. Lief. 8—15/16, Berlin — Hamburg. 8. Pavić , R., 1958: Goli, in Enciklopedija Jugoslavije 3, LZ FNRJ, 486, Zagreb. 9. Pla všić-G o j ko vi ć, N., 1972: Zaštićene biljne vrste u SR Hrvatskoj. Mala hortikulturna biblioteka 2, 4, Split. 10. Šolić, P., 1976: In memoriam: Josip Kulfanek. Hortikultura 4, 149, Split. O Contribution to the Knowledge of the Denđroflora in the Parks and Forestes of Goli Otok Summary The interesting horto — dendrologic article deals with 49 species of trees and bushes growing in the parks and the forestes of the island´s Goli otok, with the Adriatic climate and a strong influence of continentale climate. The ornamental plants in the platation´s of this island´s are of particular interest. It has been stated that some tree species do not thrive well enough fo the author suggest some species from the Mediterranean region. Ke y words : Goli otok. The denđroflora. The prosperity of species. |