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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-9/1987 str. 261 <-- 261 --> PDF |
NATURE AND FORESTRY IN THE OGULIN REGION As in Europe so in Croatia the 19th century has been marked by significant turning points in social relationships. In Croatia the generally used languages Latin and German were substituted by the national language. For the purpose of the improvement of agriculture a Management Society was founded, which in turn iniciated the publication of the Management Newspaper in 1842, and it has been continuously published until the present day. The Management Society attracted forestres and they soon, in 1846, founded their own social organization with their own paper, Almanac. Following the ending of feudal relationship (1848) appeared a new form of ownership in forestry which later in some villages took the form of land communities. On the international scene the Ottoman Empire, as an aggresive world power, was on the decline and the live buffer zone in the form of the Millitary Border became unneccessary. With the abolition of the Millitary Border former conscript soldiers (servicemen), as compensation for the previous right of using forests for timber and grazing, were given half of the forest land in communal ownership, white the other half became state-owned forests (then belonging to the tzar). For the purpose of managing the forests of the former servicemen organisations were founded under the name of ´proprietary communes´ (according to the previous regiments). In the 1870s the forest service was completely organised and incorporated in the form of governmental administration, starting with the Territorial Government downwards. Thus, forestry as a whole, entered into the period of modern development. Commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the overall forest activities was carried out by the forest enterprises, which were the direct successors of the former proprietary communes. Commemorating this jubilee took the form of organised professional and scientific gatherings and addition of corresponding publications. The publication for the region of the former Ogulin Proprietary Commune has not been published until the present day and incorporates the following papers: INTRODUCTION (Lj. Grba) I. POSITION AND HISTORIC SURVEY Position and Historic sruvey (P. Nežić) II. NATURAL SCIENCE CHARACTERISTICS Geological features (I. Velić) Hydrogeological and speleological features (S. Božičević) Relief, Climate and Vegetational cover (S. Bertović) Forest soils (J. Martinović) Productive possibilities of the main stands and nutrition of forest trees (N. Komlenović) |