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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1987 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF


Golubović , U.: Istraživanje najrentabilnijeg šumsko-uređajnog debljinskog
stepena jele (Abies alba Mill.) za pilansku preradu. Zagreb, 1964.
Golubović , U.: Istraživanje praga rentabilnosti pri preradi jelovih pilanskih
trupaca na jarmačama.
»Drvna industrija«, br. 9—12/1965.
Golubović , U.: Istraživanje praga i granice rentabilnosti pri pilanskoj
preradi hrastovine (Q pedunculata Ehrh) Zagreb, 1967.
Golubović , U.: Istraživanje relativne diferencijalne rente u ekonomskim
šumama Gorskog Kotara. »Šumarski list« 11—12/1971.
Plavšić , M., Golubović , U.: Istraživanje postotnog odnosa sortimenata
kod jele (A. alba Mill.) »Šumarski list« 9—10/1963.
Plavšić , M., Golubović , U.: Istraživanje postotnog odnosa pilanskih
sortimenata kod jele. »Šumarski list« 1—2/1964.
Plavšić, M., Golubović. U.: Istraživanje postotnog odnosa jelovih pilanskih
trupaca po kvaliteti i klasa jelovih okraičenih dasaka (piljenica) komercijalnih
dužina na bazi pilanskih debljinskih razreda — podrazreda.
»Drvna industrija« 1—2/1964.
Plavšić , M., Golubović , U.: Istraživanje ekonomičnosti u proizvodnji
furnira iz furnirskih trupaca poljskog jasena.
»Drvna industrija« 5—6/1965.
Plavšić , M.: Istraživanje rentabilnosti u proizvodnji furnira iz furnirskih
trupaca hrasta lužnjaka.
»Drvna industrija« 10—12/1967.
Plavšić , M., Golubović . U.: Istraživanje vrijednosti bruto produkta
u eksploataciji šuma, primarnoj i finalnoj proizvodnji drvne industrije koju
omogućuje hektar (zrele) nizinske slavonske šume. Zagreb. 1970.
Podaci iz završno računa OUR-a privrede u Usporednom pregledu SFRJ.
SR i SAP za 1985. godinu. SDK SR Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1986.
Part of Acumulation Really Funneled off From Forestry into the Woodworking

Industry, or Conversely?


Under the above title, which is perhaps suggestive, but also bold, we set out
the objectives of our investigation project in forestry and the woodworking industry.
To this end we selected two regionally most valuable tree species — fir and penducultate
oak, using the random sample method. The stock was taken from regular
shipments from forest stands which in 1986 came due for felling. The felled
stock was transported to woodworking plants for processing, The processing was
caried out in accordance with the Yugoslav Standards (JUS), the sawn-timber
Price List, and the specifications of regular buyers of standard goods. Since the
investigations conducted yielded a great deal of data which cannot be presented
in a single paper, we decided to publish them in two parts.

In this first part we give the results of our investigations conducted on fir
trees, while the results of our investigation on pedunculate oak will be subsequently
presented in the secon part.

For our investigations regarding fir wood we to«k 320 fir veneer- and saw-logs.
Class I, II and III. altogether 334 cu. m. In processing these logs in sawmills