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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1987 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF

11) činjenica je da je Lovno-šumsko gospodarstvo »Jelen« specifična radna
organizacija, što joj i samo ime kaže i zato ima striktno dvodimenzionalni,
a općenito i višenamjenski cilj gospodarenja, kao i svako drugo šumsko
gospodarstvo u kojem se brojne funkcije nužno usklađuju.


Golubov i ć, U.: Utvrđivanje vrijednosnog (novčanog) iznosa šteta od divljači
u mješovitim sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka i poljskog jasena. »Šumarski
list« 5—7/1981. Zagreb, 1981.
G o 1 u b o v i ć, U.: Istraživanje novčanih veličina šteta od divljači u mješovitim
sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka i poljskog jasena. »Šumarski list 9—10/1985.
Zagreb, 1985.
Plavšić , M., Golubov i ć, U.: Utvrđivanje šteta od divljači. »Šumarski
list« 7—9/1974. Zagreb, 1974.
Podaci kolaudacione komisije Lovno-šumskog gospodarstva »Jelen« za razdoblje
1981—1986. godine. Bilje. 1986.
Determination of the Monetary Amounts of Damage Caused by Game
to Forest Cultures and Plantations in the Baranyan Part of the »Jelen«
(Deer) Hunting-Forest Enterprise


It is a well-known fact that game causes considerable damage to young forest
stands, especialy to young forest cultures and plantations of decious softwood.
In our earlier investigations we stated that young forest stands should be
fanced-off until they reached a certain age (20—25 years) when they can no
longer be damaged by game, or rather, after reaching this age they are no longer
exposed to the harmful effects of game´s teeth and horns.

However, accoring to the results of the investigations discussed in this pa

per, we find it necessary to correct our earlier statement. True, our earlier in

vestigations covered autochthonous young forest stands of penduculate oak and

field ash, while this paper is, as a rule, concerned with softwood forest cultu

res and plantations (predominatly poplar and willow).

The investigations were carried out on a total area of 230.15 hectares (one

hectare = 2.47 acres). Of this total, 70.24 hectares were under poplar cultures,

104.85 hectares under willow, 16.06 under false acacia, 4.00 under birch and 4.00
hectares under walnut cultures, while 31.00 hectares were accounted for by poplar
In unfenced-off stands, game destroyed 100 per cent of poplar cultures, 40.8
per cent of false acacia cultures, and 20 per cent of walnut cultures, or in average
terms in unfenced-off areas under these cultures game destroyed 58.5 per
cent of the seedlings per area unit, ccounting for the same percentage of funds
invested in their raising.

As regards individually fenced-off seedlings — with one of the three kinds
of individual fences — on an area of 144.29 hectares game destroyed in average
terms 35.4 per cent of seedling per area unit, which correspond to the amount