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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1987 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

Results of First Investigations of Lead, Cadmium, Sulphur and Fluorine
content in the Soil of Lowland Forests of Kupčina Basin


The investigations of lead, cadmium, sulphur, fluorine and pH content in the
soil of lowland forests of river Kupčina basin near Zagreb (Croatia, Yugoslavia)
have shown that the investigated localities receive air pollutants, but that
its soil concentrations have not yet reached maximum permitted doses. Lower
concentrations of lead and cadmium were determined in flood amphigleic soil
which is attributed to the influence of floods and lower relief position. Measured
pH soil content, according to applied method of indicatory value of microhabitat,
indicate to intensified process of acidification on peudogley and to
temporary presence of acid rain.