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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1986 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

Va r le y, H. — Graham , I.: «The Personal Computer. Edited and designed
by Marchall Editions Ltd. London, 198.3. Pag. 1—224.
Vondra , V.: Making of Anual Plans for Wood Cutting and Evaluation of
Necessary Working Time, Fuel and; Qiling for Cutting and Prdmary Conversion
of Wood by a Computer uskig. 7 th International Symposium CAD/CAM, Zagreb,
Jugoslavia. October 16 — 17, 1985. Pag. 579 — 584.
Westerling , S.: A Modern Approach to Forestry Planning. Skogsarbeten,
No. 1, 1985. (Sweden). Pag. 1—4.
Impact of Micros on Planning Systems and Organization in Forestry

S u m m a r y

Micros are finding a growing application in forestry. The concept of the
micro is relative and changes with the development of technology as to memory
capacity, dimensions, versatility and price. The paper présents the options, advantages
and drawbacks of the micros currently in use. Then network of computers
in forestry, supplemented by micros, covers the area of data registration and information
processing more thoroughly, facilitâtes décision making and régulâtes the
real Systems. The rules to be observed when developing and information System
and computer network in forestry are discussed in the paper, and how to build
them into a general information System. The degree of development of the forestry
information system has a significant influence on the realibility of sound décision
making. This7 is particularly crucial for making stratégie décisions and long-term
planning. Micros are esential to forestry for quick decission making in operational
management and everyday régulation of work processes, in the field, under changing
conditions. Many routine jobs and the handling of standard Problems can be
transferred to the micro. This then allows experts and managers more leverage for
créative work.

KEYWORDS: Micro, computer network, system of planning, Organization.