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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1986 str. 106 <-- 106 --> PDF |
Mg Vice Ivančević and Oskar Piškorić, grad. eng. Restoration of Forests on Croatian Karst from the last Century to date Forestry on the islands and coastal part of Croatia shared the same fate as forests in other countries of the Mediterranean. Irrational use of the caused devastation. In the second half of the XIX century, work began on restoring forests in that part of Croatia. In areas where some care had been given to the trees left over, better conditions were made — a priority being to ban the feeding of livestock — and forests started to be replenished. However, in areas which had been completely cleared, replanting was necessary. The black and alepo pine (Pinus nigra Arn and Pinus hallepensis Mil.) were used exclusively for this replanting as they proved to be the best pioneer sort of tree. The two World Wars had a bad effect on the forest revival on krast and afterwards restoration work had to start again. After the Second World War, parts of forest vegetation restored itself. This was a result of a decrease in the number of livestock, particularly goats — possession of which was prohibited by a special law of 1950. Nowadays, the finance of rejuvenation and protection of forest om krast, together with forestry laws and other economic considerations (tourism, water economy, traffic and others) bear in mind the protection role of the forest. After the second World War active and intensive scientific investigations took place. Alojzije Frković, grad. eng. Wildlife Management The natural conditions in Croatia provide and ensure favourable circumstances for breeding and maintaining a great number of various game species in the total area of approximately 5,200,000 hectares. The Law otn Wildlife from 1976 stipulates that altogether 43 species of mammals and birds are to be treated as hunting game, out of which only two species — capercaillie in the south Velebit mountain and the European wild cat in Gorski kotar — are under permanent protection. Species protected by the close seasotn hunting are freely hunted only within the legal periods, while unprotected animal species — 9 mammals and 4 birds — are freely hunted during the whole year, but only up to the tolerated number. The most widely spread, most numerous and most hunted big trophy game is the roe. In 1983, their number was estimated at 55,500 heads with an annual catch of 9,146 heads. In the same year there were 12,000 red deer, 10,000 boars, 1,500 chamois, 400 brown bears, 1,400 fallow deer and 700 mouflons. The red deer is most abundant in the Slavonia—Baranja region, with approximately 7,200 heads, comprising 65™/o of the total stock deer in Croatia. The Biokovo mountain region (20,000 ha) is most rich with chamois, which inhabited the region for the first time in 1964. Today, their number is estimated at Over a thousand heads |