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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1986 str. 103 <-- 103 --> PDF |
In the area of forest seeding, particularly in collection, care and manipulation of the needs, there is still a problem which needs to be looked at. Particular care needs to be dedicated to the problematic need of the common oak where too1 many unanswered questions still exist. The production of seedings goes in tandem with the acquisition of knowledge here and throughout the world. Further serious work needs to be done on improving container production of evergreens and confers, where there is plentv of room for advencement. The traditional foundation of forestry culture in Croatia is more than 100 years old. With regard to areas and age df this existing culture of the coniferous greater care and work is necessary when thinning out the trees during defined period and determining a preferred intensity, and on prescribing methods of restoring forestry culture. The most valuable parts of forestry in Croatia are those naturally auto- chthonic forests with very tall trees. Because of forests drying up, which causes disorder in their structure, there is the problem of renewing trees regularly, and this activity now occupies much of a forester´s time. Apart from rejuventation, further work on thinning out the trees in the forest is necessary, particularly on determining methods and the ideal intensity of the trees. Forming structures and work on selected methods of permanent rejuvenation to gain maximum stability and productivity in selected forests is a long- term task, requiring intensive work. In order to reach this goal, all these conditions are present, besides the intensive work of the foresters in the field of selected forests and those where cultivation has been neglected. The conversion of rejuvenated tree stumps into more cultivated forms has to be done by fertilising the felled stump with natural or artificial restoration material following the principal of fertilised felling. However, the clean felling of tree stumps and insertion of a conifer tree is a step backwards in forest production which should always be progressive. Besides preserving long-term tradition of forest cultivation in Croatia, science and practices are obliged to discover new and improved ways to enable forests to stabilise and be productive. In this way, forests of this area are playing ansocial and protection role which in these times can be their only role as conditions are unfavourable for cultivation development. Prof. Dr. Milan Androić The Development and Present State of Forest Protection The need for the preservation and protection of foirests from the harmful effects of biotic and abiotic factors, and the application of protective measures, did not occur at the same time in all fotrest areas of Yugoslavia. It depended on the socio-economic development of a particular area and intensity of forest exploitation. Forests in the maritime region of Yugoslavia, along the Adriatic coast and on the islands, were the first to be exposed to the impact of anthropogenetic factors. Irrational exploitation, livesctock grazing and fires caused the 382 |