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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1986 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

Kraljić , B.: «Odvajanje ekstradohodaka (renta) i raspoređivanje zajedničkog
prihoda sa stanovišta ekonomskih zakonitosti«, Šumarski i´ist 7—8, 1985, Zagreb,
str. 311—316.
Kraljić , B.: »Financijske krize i ostvarenje šumskogospodarskih osnova«,
Šumarstvo i prerada drveta 1—3, 1986, Sarajevo, str. 25—32.
Kraljić , B.: »Financijske krize i ostvarenje šumskogospodarskih osnova«.
SR Hrvatske u svjetlu rezultata vlastitih istraživanja«, Zagreb 1986, rad
pripremljen za tisak, napisan mašinom za pisanje, str. 1—-10. Izvadak iz tog
rada pod naslovom »Kritički osvrt na odvajanje renta, propisano u Zakonu o
šumama SR Hrvatske«, predat za tisak u Glasnik za šumske pokuse Šumarskog
fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, u povodu 125-godišnjice šumarske nastave Hrvatske,
Zagreb 1986, napisan mašinom za pisanje, str. 1—16.
Kraljić , B.: »Deduktivna kalkulacija ekonomski opravdanih cijena drvnih
sirovina primarne prerade drva«, pripremljeno za tisak, prepisano mašinom
za pisanje. Zagreb 1985. sir. 1 —14.
»Ustav SFRJ«. Službeni list SFRJ broj 9/1974.
»Ustav SRH«, Narodne novine broj 8/1974.
»Zakon o udruženom radu«, Narodne novine, Zagreb 1976.
»Zakon o šumama SR Hrvatske«. Narodne novine broj 54/1983, od 23. XII 1983.
Setting Aside of the Part of Income Resulting from Exceptionally Favourable
Conditions in Forestry and Apportionment of Joint Gross Income for the Biological
Reproduction of Forests — After the promulgation of the Forestry Act in the
Socialist Republic of Croatia


The Forestry Act of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, which went into force
at the end of 1983, made it obligatory for forestry organizations of associated labour
in this Republic to introduce the so-called functional organization of forestry
and special ways of financing simple and expanded biological reproduction
of forests. This prompted the author to publish in this work some changes he considers
should be made in his suggestions published in his earlier works dealing
with the setting aside of the part of income resulting from exceptionally favourable
conditions (objective extra income, rent) in forestry. This is necessary all
the more of since in his analysis the author draws attention to the shortcomings
of the provisions of this Act pertaining to the setting aside of objective extra income,
or rent, in forestry, and sugests that they should be replaced by his formulations.
Analogously, under the new conditions he proposes a certain supplement
to his proposals, already published, concerning the apportionment of part of
joint gross income to basic organizations of associated labour responsible for the
biological reproduction of forests. More specifically, when such basic organizations
are special participants in forestry-woodworking-trading complexes, they should
be apportioned enough funds to enable them to achieve, in real terms, at least
100 per cent of the planned simple and expanded biological reproduction of
forests (at the minimum level of their cost prices normal (norm elaborated) computed
according to revised actual planned prices). This is because under the Yugoslav
Constitution "forests are goods of general social interest«, and forestry is
by statute proclaimed as being »an activity of general social interest«. The short