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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1986 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF


A n i ć. .1. (1984): Problemi deficiencije željeza u intenzivnoj biljnoj proizvodnji.
IV Seminar Jug. društva za fiziologiju biljaka, Beograd.
A n i ć, J., Komlenović , N. (1983): Utjecaj različitog oblika fosfora na ishranu
biljaka običnog bora (Pinus sylvestris L.). Šumarski list, 7—8, 1983.

A n t i ć, M. Mančić , A. (1978a): Uporedne karakteristike treseta i drugih supstrata
značajnih za kontejnersku proizvodnju šumskih sadnica. Jug. poljoprivredno
šumarski centar, Beograd.

Ant i ć, M., Mančić , A. (1978b): Savremeni sistemi ishrane i prihranjivanja
šumskih sadnica pri kontejnerskom načinu proizvodnje. Jug. poljoprivredno
šumarski centar, Beograd.

B r i x, H., Driesch e R. van (1974): Mineral nutrition of container growth tree
seedlings, Great Plains Agricultural Conncil Publication No 68.

Chevalier, G., Clement, A., G a r b a y e, J., Let aeon, F., M o n s i a n, D.
(1976): Calcium carbonate in coniferous trees: Influenze of ectomycorhizae on
nitrogen metabolism and cationic nutrition. XVI IUFRO World Congress,
Division II Norway.

Komlenović , N. (1980: Prilog poznavanju kloroze borovca (Pinus strobus L.)
na karbonatnim tlima, Agrohemija 1—2.

Komlenović, N. Nedović. V. (1979): Uspijevanje biljaka običnog bora [Pinussylvestris L.) i obične smreke (Picea abies Karst.) s obzirom na neka svojstva
supstrata. Drugi kongres ekologa Jugoslavije, Zagreb.

Komlenović, N., R a s t o v s k i, P., M a r k o j a, Đ. (1980): Rast biljaka crnog
bora (Pinus nigra var. austriaca Asch, et Gr.) i brucijskog bora (Pinus brutica
Ten.) s obzirom na upotrebljene supstrate i mineralna gnojiva. Šumarski
list, 11—12, 1980.

Komlenović, N, Rastovski, P., M a r k o j a, Đ. (1983): Istraživanje utjecaja
sjetvenih supstrata i mineralnih gnojiva na rast i ishranu nekih vrsta drveća
i grmlja. Šumarski list, 3—4, 1983.

Ti n us, R. W., Me Donal d S. E. (1979): How to grow tree seedlings in containers
in greenhouses. Rocky mountain forest and range experiment station.

Influence of Bioelements on the Growth of Three Coniferous Species


Good quality coniferous seedlings were produced on the investigated substrata
by proper nutrition. The applied nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers had
a positive effect on the nutrition and growth o the plants and improved the chemical
properties of the substrata.

The aplication of K2S04 produced better results than the treatment with
KCl in the investigated species. The highest difference was observed in the Norway
spruce and the smallest in the black pine. The added CaCO.j especially in lager
quantities, produced the most significant nutrition and growth disturbances in the
Norway spruce. The resultes suggested that acidity reduction of the substratum
should be selective and gradual. The chemical properties of the irrigation water
should be taken into consideration.