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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1985 str. 75 <-- 75 --> PDF |
Estimation of the Trophy of Capercailzie (Tetrao urogallus) Summary The author presented an estamation of ,the Capercailzie as a hunter´s trophy according to guidelines (instructions) drawn up in 1937 in Prague. These instructions were not accepted by CIC (Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation dii Gibier), which considers taht elements for tbropy estimation of birds (weight, body lenght etc.) are relative values and subject to change, depending on the time of shooting, are of the preparations etc. In order that the trophy estimating is as credible as possible, the author emphasizes that weight must be established immediately after the shooting, i.o. before stuffing, while the remaining elements can be established later. The Capercailzie in Croatia lives in forests, 800 m above sea level, but in the author´s opinion it is decreasing in numbers, because it ih with drawing away from the noise of the motor saws and vehicles during the forest felling. Thus, the number of sounding sites of the Capercailzie has decreased from 64 to 31 in the period from 1951—1982, together with the number o cocks and hens. Tetriebovi u Bosni. Njeki šumar iz Bosne, saobćuje u »Waidmannu« sliedeće: »Prigodom službenog putovanja mjeseca svibnja t.g. sastao sam u Zenici šumarnika iz Travnika, koji se vraćao s čekanja (Balz) prekrasnim tetriebom. Upozoren tako, stanem odmah iztraživati, gdje li te divljači imade, te sam našao, da tetrieba dosti imade u gorju među željezničkom postajom u Žepću. zatim selih Blatnici, Komučiiii i Morači iliti Smolinu (gdje i medvjedi obitavaju), nadalje u okružju tešanjskom kod Očuasa. u travničkom okružju po Vučjoj planini, konačno u gorju nedaleko Cerljanovića, iztočno od Vranduka prema Kosovici. Koliko sam nadalje mogao saznati, bave se i domaći lovci ovuda rado zabavom ovoga lova.« (Šumarski list, 1885., br. 10., str. 428.) |