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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1985 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF

Rey, P. (1957): Photographie aerienne et problems forestiers, Revue forestiere Fram

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Schneider , S. (1974): Luftbild und Luftbildinterpretation, New York.
Tomašegović , Z. (1963): Primjena fotogrametrije kod izrade šumsko-gospodar

skih projekata, Šumarski list 3—4, Zagreb, str. 103—110.
Tomašegović , Z. (1973): Fotogrametrlja d fotointerpretacija u šumarstvu, Udžbenik,

Tomašegović , Z. (1981): Foto interpretacija sa šumarskog stanovišta, Bilten Savjeta
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Vu k e 1 i ć, J. (1984): Doprinos fotointerpretaoijske analize vegetacijskom istraživanju
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Zsilinszky , V. (1966): Photographic interpretation, of Tree species in Ontario,

The Application of Photointerpretation in the Mapping of Forest Vegetation


Photodnterpretation is used more and more frequently for mapping forest vegetation,
because of its economy, simplicity, speed and reliability of results. It :.s
particularly evident in modern multi-purpose research, and especially in the current
production of a vegetation map of Yugoslavia, and also for use in salving similar
problems in our forest practice. In this paper the author has presented the approach,
methodology and present level of utilization of photo´interpretation in the mapping
of forest veg´etatiton, no photornaterial and instruments available in our forest practice,
utilizing the results of his own research and the results of other researchers
in this field.