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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1985 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
of forest road the output was smaller 26 to 33%. When transporting by the lorry with trailer the differences were smaller and amounted to 11—22%. The output of transportation by the lorry with trailer was greater than the output by the lorry. For the above mentioned conditions the difference ranged from 17 to 40%. Fuel consumption (1/km) for the vehicle on the forest road was higher than on the public road and in the case of the lorry 61% on average, and in the case of the lorry with trailer 72%. The lorry with trailer compared to the lorry consumed more fuel; on the foresth road 68%, and on the public road 57% on average. A loaded lorry on the forest road consumed approximately the same amount of fuel as an unloaded one, but on the public road it consumed 21% more. In the case of the lorry with a trailer the increase ranged from 14 to 53%. Fuel consumption (l/m:l — km) was higher on the forest road than on the public road; in the case of the lorry 60% and in the case of the lorry with trailer 72%. Furthermore, a lorry consumes more fuel than a lorry with a trailer by 9% more on a forest road and by 18% more on a public road. |