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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1984 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

Varijanta: 2 4 1 2 + 0 1+2 2 + 2

Srednji pr. pr. 36,6 49,5 50,6 93,2

Zaključci iz petogodišnjeg razdoblja (1971. — 1975.) gotovo u potpunosti
vrijede i za desetogodišnje razdoblje (1976. — 1980.).

— Sadnice 1+ 2 godina u cjelini pokazuju najbolji uspjeh; visok postotak
preživljenja i dobar visinski rast.
— Sadnice 2 + 0 godina imaiju niži postotak preživljenja, zahtijevaju intenzivniju
njegu, a visinski rast im je podjednak kao kod sadnica 1+2 .
— Sadnice 2 + 2 godina imaju nizak postotak preživljenja, ali intenzivan
visinski rast u prvim godinama iza sadnje. One su pogodne za očetinjavanje
degradiranih sastojina listača i pošumljavanje jako zakorovljenih terena.
Manipulacija s tim sadnim materijalom treba biti vrlo pažljiva.
— Sadnice 2 + 1 godina imale su snažan šok nakon presadnje, koji se
osjeća i u desetoj godini iza sadnje. Ova varijanta se ne preporuča za rad
u praksi.

Borisenko , N. P. (1970): The use of large planting stock of Scots Pine in
plantatins, Fores1 ry Abstract 1971.
C arm e an, W. H, (1971); Large, well balanced stock and control of grass
competition needed for Red Pine plantings on sandy soils, Forestry Abstract
O r 1 i ć, S. (1977): Preživljenje i visinski prirast biljaka običnog bora (Pinus
silvestris L.) različitih starosti, Šumarski list 10—12.
Rä säen, P. N., Hil turnen, N. (1971): The effect of differences in Scots
Pine nursery stock on the field survival and growth. Forestry Abstrakt 1971.
Snow, E. A. (1980): Status of White Pine of planting stock test, Separat
Survival and Increment of Scotch Pine (Pinus silvestris L.) Plants of Different


In 1971 an experiment was laid out in the area of the Forest Office of Duga
Resa wiht the aim of investigating the age and the method of cultivating Scotch
Pine plan´s (Pinus silvestris L.) with regard to their survival and initial increment
in plantations. 4 variants were compatively followed: 2 + 0, 1 + 2, 2 + 1 and 2 + 2
years old plants. In the tenth year after planting the highest percentage of survival
and good increment was displayed in 2 + 2 plants. Plants 2 + 1 had a very
much slowed increment and are not recommended to be applied in practice. Tabular
presentation shows: percentage of plant survival (Table 1), height in cm (Table
2) and diameter at 1.30 m in mm (Table 3) for individual variants and years of

The first report on this experiment, for the period from 1971 up to 1975 was
published in the Šumarski list 1977, page 436 — 440.