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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1984 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

Results of these investigations are din the terms of three oak kinds. According
to this standpoint, most presenited elemente in the soil (Siilicoin, Aluminium and
Iron) percently its participation is less in the circular inability. Iron and Aluminium
in the leaves are partly presenited same the case is wlilth jSilicotn at Querous
Cocciferae. At ano´ther two kinds of Querous Lanuginosa anid Querous Confentae,
Silicon is much more participated (3—3,5l;i/») but less than in the sail.

A great mobility is at base-land elements. These both together in leaves at oaks
here are more than at all three mentioned elements. These elements are very mobile,
altrough (except in some limestone homieonts) those iin the soil are less presented.
Calcium is much more mobile than Magnesium.

Phosphorus in leaves is always presented with a whole percentage. With a
percentage (altrough expressed as elements as well as not oxide) in some cases is
appearing .Nitrogen, what is mean that its mobility is high.

Other investigated elemente: Manganese, Potassium, Sodium and Sulfur less
participating in this circle mobility of matters. Among it hose participation of Potassium
is considerably higher.

According to these investigations could be concluded that its circle mobility is
most intensive at Q. Confertae and expressly is poorer at Q. Cocciferae.

Copper, Zinc, Boron and Cobalt (as mg/kg of dry matters) there are (more in
leaves than in the soil, thus, by dropping of leaves come to richimg on tup ground
horizon´s of the soil. But this is often changed by other proceses.

PRIMLJENO 24. 08. 1982.