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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1984 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

V i d a k o v i ć, M. a K r s t i tn li ć, A., 1975: Rezultati na oplemenjivanju stablas.tih
vrba ina području jugoistočne Slavonije. Centar za znanstveni raid JAZU, Vinkovci,
Knj. II, str. 129—141.
Vi đakovi ć, M. i Krstiilnić, A., 1980: Uspijevanje nekih klonova stablastih
vrba ina aluviju Dunava kod Opatovca. JAZU, Centar za znanstveni rad, Vinkovci,
4/2, Str. 29—47.
2 uf a. L., 1963: Drvna niasa i prirast (bijele ivrbe u prirodnim formulacijama
.sjevernog Podunavlja i Donje Podravine. Topola, 36/37, Istr. 63—70.
Thriving of certain Clones of Arborescent Willows in the oppen Areas of the
Lonjsko polje II


An article on the same title has been written the same experiment when the
plantation was 6 years old (Šumarski list N° 1—3, 1975).

In this article the reisults on thriving of certain clones at the age of 15 years of
plantation have been given. According to the resultls we arrived ait the following

— At the age of 15 years of plantation the genotypic differences among the
tested clones have (been established to regard to the survival and productivity under
condition of flooding outside vegetation period ton the heavy gl eyed Isoil along the
river Sava.
— The experiment showed that in the case of White Willow there exists specific
adaptability and it als for this ireaison that we recommend for the establishment
of plantations of Arborescent Willowte in the area of low-land forests aloing the
river Sava the following clones frocn the experiment: V 40, 11/1, iMP 1, V 39 and
V 37. The stock volume of the mentioned clones /at the plantion age of 15 years ranged
between 325 and 530 cubic metres peir hectare, alnld the average volume increment
ranged between 22 and 35 cubic metres per hectare. The stock volume of ithe clone
with the lowest production potential in the experiment amounted to 146,10 mS/ha,
and the volume increment wals 9,74 rn3/ha.
The experiment showed that Arborescent Willows along the iriver Sava also
exhibit the function of precede plantations and give the possibility to the nai´urat
regeneration of more valuable broad-leaved species such as Penduculate Oak (Quercus
robur L.) and field Ash-tree (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) on the area covered by
Arborescent Willows.

The mentioned clones of Arborescent Willows which have shown a very good
adaptability and high production potential in the experiment together with newly selected
clones suitable for growing aloing the river Sava give IUS the possibility to
establish the multiclone plantations of Arborescent Willows which will possess a
very high stability of ecosystem.