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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1984 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF


B o r o š i ć, J.: Šematizam.

Drndelić , M.: Uređivanje šuma na području bjelovarske šumsko-privredne
oblasti. Šumarski list, 1959.
Drndelić , M.: Monografija Šumarije Miokovićevo. Miokovićevo, 1977.
Klepac , D.: Uređivanje šuma. Zagreb,
Viš e autora : Sto godina šumarstva Bilogorsko-podravske regije. Bjelovar,
Klepac , D.: Osnovne postavke i principi gospodarenja u šumama svijetau našoj zemlji. Šumarski list, 1980., br. 9—10.
Šumsko-aospodarske osnove s. j . Virovitička Bilo gora iz godina 1951, 1961, 1971.
i 1981.
Stota godišnjica Hrvatskog pjevačkog društva »RODOLJUB« u Virovitici. Virovitica,

The Virovitica Management Unit »Bilo Gora«
During the Period from 1945 to 1981

Milan Drndelić

The author presents situation in the management unit »Bilo Gora« (Virovitica
Forest District) on the basis of data from four successive management
plan. The largest part of the management unit, approx. 5500 ha, was
owned by the boroughs, which had acquired the forests frpm a private landlord
in 1929. The smaller part, approx. 1500 ha, belonged to the land communes
During the formation of the first management plan in 1951 the average
volume of wood per 1 ha amounted to 122 ms, by the second from 1961 this
amounted to 162 m;*, by the third 191 ms from 1971, and by the fourth from
1981 the volume of wood amounted to 252 m´Vha. These data demonstrate that
the forests of these managements unit have been properly managed.