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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1984 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

Lakušić , R. (1980): Ekologija biljaka, I dio — Idioekologija. I izdanje. Izda

vačko-štamparska radna organizacija »Minerva«, OOUR Štamparska delat

nost. Subotica, Sarajevo.
Republički zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, (1983) Obavještenje o parkovima u

G. i D. Oroslavju i Stubičkom Golubovcu.
Schiiz, E. (1971): Grundriss der Vogelzugskunde. Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin
und Hamburg.
Štromar , Lj. (1965): Vom täglichen Bewegungsrhvthums der Vögel im Herbst.
Larus, 19, 145—148. Zagreb,
Štromar , Lj. (1982): Signifikantnost ostataka šuma unutar antropogenih površina
na području užeg dijela kotline oko NE KRŠKO u odnosu na predstavnike
ornitofaune. Šumarski list, 9—10, 377—391. Zagreb.

Old Oaks (Quercus robur L.) as Ecological Niches for Representative
Ornithofauna in the Narrow Region of Croatian Zagorje


Ornithological research conducted in the region of Croatian Zagorje (Mokrice,
Krušljevo selo, Oroslavje, Stubičke toplice) led to a study of the types of
ornithofauna present in single old oaks, Quercus robur L. The interesting phenomena
observed concerning such oaks attracted the interest of researchers and
a study was made of three old oaks which could be considered ecological niches.

Oak No. 1 is an isolated specimen, about 200 years of age, within a peasant
household in the village of Mokrice. Its significance regarding birds is very
great. Picus viridis, Picus canus and Dendrocopos major compete for food in
this tree. Nests are present at various heights and there is total of 5 nesting

Oak No. 2 about 740 years of age, is located in a courtyard in a peasant
household in the Oroslavje. This oak is somewhat damaged so that in the spring
of 1983, the number of branches bearing leaves was 3. The number of species
which had nested or are presently nesting in this tree total 6 species.

Oak No. 3 is located in the Donje Oroslavje Park. This park has an altitude
of 171 m above sea level and is estimated to be approximately 100 years old. Of
the three oaks present in this park, only one was studied because it is located
under a combination of autochthonou´s and park elements. Its significance is
less than that of Oaks Nos. 1 and 2 a´s it hosts 3 nesting species. The number
of species in transit, resting or spending the night is 19.

This investigation has demonstraded that anthropogenic surfaces with remnants
of autochthonous forest´s such as single trees, bushes of forest fragments
are of inestimable value to birds in all aspects of their lives (Štromar , 1982).