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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1984 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

stojinama može gotovo zanemariti. No, stupanj njegove štetnosti valja
ocjenjivati u sklopu problema s ostalim štetnicima jasena i sadašnjim
zdravstvenim stanjem jasenovih sastojina u nizinskim mješovitim šumama
hrasta lužnjaka.


Gusev, V. I. — Ri mski j-Kor sako v, M. N. (1951): Opredelitelj povreždenij
lesnih i dekorativnih derevev i kustarnikov evropejskoj časti SSSR.

Klimaszewski , S. M. (1973): The Jumping Plant Lice or Psyllid´s (Homoptera,
Psyllodea) of the Palearctic. An Annotated Chek-List. Annates zoologici
Tom XXX, Nr. 7. Polska akademia nauk, Warszawa

Kovačević , Ž. (1950—1956): Primijenjena entomologija, knjiga I—III, Zagreb
Mikloš , I. (1978): Jasenov štitasti moljac (Siphoninus phillyreae Haliday). Šu

marski list, 4—5, Zagreb
Pavlovskij , E. N. (1955): Vrediteli lesa. Spravočnik, II, Moskva-Leningrad
Schindler, U. — Ehrhardt, W. (1969): Beobachtungen über Psyllopsis

fraxini L. (Psyllidae, Blattflöhe), einen Schädling an Jungeschen. Zeitschrift
für angewandte Entomologie, Band 63, Heft 3, Hamburg-Berlin
Schwenke , W. (1972): Die Forstschädlinge Europa´s, 1. Band, Hamburg-Berlin

Ash Jumping Louse
(Psyllopsis fraxini L.)


After a short morphological description of the Ash jumping louse (Psyllopsis
fraxini L.) the author gives ´some data on its biology, damage and the area of
distribution in Croatia. This insect pest is monophagoUs, living on various species
of Fraxinus. In this country it produces two generations in a year. The larvae
feed on leaves sucking out the sap and producing characteristic galls. The
overwintering generation produces greatest injuries, particularly on young trees,
in may.