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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1983 str. 68     <-- 68 -->        PDF

B a r a dat, P.; A rb e z, M.; Krem er, A.; Chaperon, H.; AI aza r d, P.: Selection
scheme of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
Hall , R. B. (USA): A selection and breeding strategy for an exotic species Alnus
glutiriosa in North America.
Klein , J. I. (Canada): A Jack pine breeding program in western Canada.
Nan s on, A. (Belgium): A general breeding strategy.
Oh b a, J. (Japan): A proposed localized breeding strategy in cooperation with practical
forestry in Japan.
Genys , J. B. and Hunt , C. M. (USA): Two-year growth rates of diverse clonal
progenies from Pinus strobus seed orchards in eastern USA.
Cotterill , P. P. (Australia): Second generation selection of radiata pine in South
Namkoong , G. (USA): Challenging tree breeding theory.
Kraus , J. F. (USA): A mating design based on a dodecahedron.
Hood , J. V. (Canada): Evaluating tree breeding strategies by computer simulation.
König , A. (Fed. Rep. of Germany): Some problems involved in the application
of conventional quantitative genetic models in birch breeding.
lilies , Z. M. (Fed. Rep. of Germany): Experiences in isogenic lines raised from
doubled-haploid P0-aspen populations of parthenogenetic origin.
Kosinski , G. (Poland): Ability to regulate flowerin g biology limits utilization
of general and specific combining abilites in breeding programs.
Gregor ius, H. R. and Ross, M. D. (Fed. Rep. of Germany): Sexual systems in
forest trees.
Falkenhagen , D. R. (Republic South Africa): The relevance of isozyme studies
to provenance research.
K rus che, D. (Fed. Rep. of Germany): Host-parasite interaction and the number
of clones in a clonal mixture.
Wühlisch , G von (Fed. Rep. of Germany): By what method should predetermined
and free growth be mesaured?
Yazdani , R. (Sweden): Monoterpene as. biochemical marker in population study
of Pinus sylvestris L.
Yazdani , R. (Sweden): Genetic structure of a seed tree stad and naturally regenerated
plants of Pinus sylvestris L. in northern Sweden.
Adams , W. T. and Neale , D. B. (USA): Validity of controlled crosses in tree
improvement programs
Mii ller-Starck , G. (Fed. Rep. Germany): Tracing external pollen contribution
to the offspring of a Scots pine seed orchard.
Miiller-S tarck, G. and Ziehe, M. (Fed. Rep. of Germany): Female and male
gametic contributions of individual clones to scots pine seed orchand.
Colangeli, A. M.; El-Kassaby, Y. A. and Sziklat, O. Karyotype analysis
of the genus Pseudotsuga.

Hall , R. B. (USA): Breeding trees for intensive culture.

Thielges , B. A. (USA): A strategy for breeding population — based disease resistance
in forest trees.
B u r k 1 e y, J. (Great Britain): Tropical tree breeding — setting the scene.
Barnes, R. D.; Bur ley, J.; G. L.; Garcia de Leon, J. P. (Great Britain):

Genotype-environment interactions in tropical pines and their effects on the

structure of breeding populations.

Ladrach , V. E. (Colombia): Three different breeding strategies for forest species
in Colombia, based on population size and available provenance reseach information.

Egenti, L. C. (Nigeria): Teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) breeding programme in

Oduwaiye , E. A.; E ge n t i, L. C. (Nigeria): Recent advances in vegetative propagation
of teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) and Gmelina arborea Roxb. in Nigeria.