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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1983 str. 12 <-- 12 --> PDF |
Komlenoviæ , N. 1978: Utjecaj mineralnih gnojiva na ishranu i rast obiène smreke (Picea abies Karst), na lesiviranom akriènom (virištinskom) tlu. Anali za šumarstvo 8/5, 91—122. Krau s s, H. H. 1965: Untersuchungen über die Melioration degradierter Sandböden im nordostdeutschen Tiefland. VI. Kalkungs-und Hilfspflanzenanbauversuche- Ernährung und Wachstum meliorierter Kiefernkulturen. Arch. Forstw. 14, 499—532. Ley ton, L. 1954: The growth and mineral nutrition of spruce and pine in heatland plantations. Imps, forest. Inst. Univ. Oxford, Inst. Paper No. 31 Lemmerman, O., Wissmann, H. (1924): Further trials on the yield increasing effect of silicic acid with inadequate phosphate application. Z. Pf. Ern. Bdkg., 185—197. Loneragan , J. F., Asher, C. J. (1967): Response of plants to phosphate concentration in solution culture. Soil. Sci. 103, 311—318. Nye, P. H. 1968: Processes in the root environment. J. Soil. Sci. 19, 205—215. Materna , J. 1967: Ernährungsuntersuchungen an tschechischen Kiefernstandorten. Prace vulhm 34, 83—106. Rüssel , R. S., Barber , D. A. 1960: The relationship between salt uptake and the absorption of water. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 11, 127—140. Tamm , C. O. 1954: A study of forest nutrition by means of foliar analysis. VIII Congr. Int. Bot., Paris. Themlitz , R. 1953: Über die Phosphorsäuresorption durch das Tonmineral Nontronit, besonders bei stärkerer Entbasung, und die Ausnutzung sorbierter Phosphorsäure durch die Kiefernsämlinge, II, Z. Pf. Brn. Dgg. Bdkd. 60, 1—21. Wehrmann , J. 1963: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Blattanalyse in der Forstwirtschaft. Landwirtsch. Forsch., 16/2, 130—145. Zehetmayr , J. W. L. 1956: Forstdüngung in Grossbritanien, Die Phosporsäure, 16, 1/2, 69—74. Zöttl , H. 1964: Waldstandort und Düngung. Cbl. Ges Forstwes., 81, 1, 1—24. The Influence of Various Phosphate Forms on the Nutrition of the Scotch Pine (Pinus silvestris L.) Seedlings Summary The influence of various phosphate forms on the nutrition and growth of the Scotch pine seedlings was investigated during a period of three years. The following phosphates were applied by the method of sand culture: mono, double and triple Ca-phosphate, as well as Fe and Al-phosphate. The quantity of phosphorus was 90 ppm. The basic nutrient solution was prepared from K NO:i, Ca (N03)2, Mg SO4 and microelements. From this study, the following conclusions can be suggdested. The Scotch pine seedlings significantlu differ from control plants in al P- treatments in phosphorus uptake especially in tretment with mono Ca-phosphate. This can be explained by the plant matter production and its chemical composition. A more intensive uptake of phosphorus from mono Ca-phosphate compared with other phosphates affected only the higher P-cOncentration, particularly in the root. Statistically significant differences in plant growth has been found only between treatment withort P and all others treatments. The favourable P-nutrition by P-treatments had the greatest effect on the needle growth, while this effect was smallest on the root growth. It has been proved that Scotch pine need very little P for its growth and development. |