prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1982 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

Kraljić, B., Golu bo vic, U.: Ekonomske posljedice sušenja hrasta lužnjaka
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Opalički , K.: Mineri i defolijatori jele i njihovo učešće u procesu sušenja
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Prpić , B., Rauš , Đ., M a t i ć, S.: Posljedice narušavanja ekološke ravnoteže
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Prpić , B.: Ekološka istraživanja u području sušenja hrasta lužnjaka. Izvještaj
SIZ-u za znanstveni rad 1976—1980. g.
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Spaić , I.: Neki od glavnih problema zaštite šuma u Slavoniji s osobitim
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Spaić , I.: O sušenju hrastika. ŠL 7—9, Zgb., 1974.
Vajda , Z.: Utjecaj klimatskih kolebanja na sušenje hrastovih posavskih
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Žunko , O.: Šumski požali u SR Hrvatskoj (1971—1980). »Radovi« Šumarski
institut Jastrebarsko, br. 46, 1982.
Present Problems of Forest Protection in Our Country


Based on the investigations of dying back ethiology of some dominant tree
species in forest ecosystems of Croatia, the author presents the epidemic dying
back as a consequence of the disturbance in ecological balance recently and in
the further past. An the majority of cases climatic and anthropogenic factors are
initial in a chain of factors which finally result in dying back on large surfaces.

An the costal region and on islands of SR Croatia forest fires represent a
very serious problem. As a consequence of the said disturbance in the continental
part the following problems arise:

1. epidemic dying back of fir in selection forests of Gorski Kotar and Lika
2. dying back of oak, elm and ash in lowland forests
3. dying back of beech in mountain forests of Slavonia
dying back of linden.
Defoliators and pathogenous fungi play an important part in the proces of
dying back: Argyresthia fundella F. R. (Hyponomeutidae) in fir stands, Lyman