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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1982 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

Tablica 3


1962. 1974. 1985. 1990 2000.

A% Piljena grada min m3

349 *f3i 50D 522 594

Razvijene zemlje :(i.SAD) 162 231 262 2G7 287
Zemlje centr. planiranja 1A0 159 1B0 IBS 209
Zemlje u razvitku 27 41 58 69 98
SAD .77 83 84 83 78

B, Drvne ploče min m3

35 90 155 180 212

Razvijene zemlje (i SAD) 28 68 102 112 124
Zemlje centr. planiranja 5 15 35 1*1* 55
Zemlje u. razvitku 2 7 18 24 33
SAD 15 23 28 31 34

C Papir i karton min t

81 152 267 315 400

Razvijene zemlje (i SAD) 69 125 206 236 271
Zemlje centr. planiranja 9 19 4a 52 84
Zemlje u razvitku e 21 27 45

IZVOR:. Yearbook of forest Products, U.N., FA0, Rome, 197S,
Keays, J.L., Hatton, J.V., The Implications of Full-Forest Utilization
on Uorlduide Supplies of Wood by Yenr 2000, Pupl & Paper International,
June, 1975.

U.S. Forest Service, The Outlook for Timber in the U.S., Forest Service,
USDA, Forest Resources Report Ha. 20:367, 1973.